Aloe vera

Aloe vera

  • Family
  • Life cycle
    Hardy perennial
  • Location
    Partial shade
  • Winter Hardiness
    Minimum 5° c
  • Water
  • Soil Requirements


10 in stock

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Aloe vera is an evergreen perennial, which can reach 40 cm in height.

Cultivated for both agricultural and medicinal purposes, it is found in many consumer products including beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics or in the form of gel for minor burns and sunburns.

The leaves contain within them a clear and gelatinous sap, which has a soothing effect on sunburn, accelerating the healing process. This gel also has a moisturizing, refreshing and anti-inflammatory action, therefore very effective on insect bites.

  • Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
  • We are all certified bio!
  • Useful advice onAloe? Grow it in well-drained soil and sunny exposures! Manage it in pots and protect it from the cold winter!

* At the same time as the winter period, the plant is scarce or devoid of vegetation.

Weight1 kg